The basics about shipping a motorcycle to Hawaii
Advice for your motorcycle shipment

The basics about shipping a motorcycle to Hawaii
There are numerous reasons to have and enjoy a motorcycle in Hawaii. The most popular of those reasons is that Hawaii has the perfect weather for riding your bike. It also has some wonderful sights and riding routes. However, the only issue is that you will only have two options in terms of getting your motorcycle to Hawaii, you can buy a new one or ship an existing motorcycle there.
If you choose to buy a new motorcycle, you should realize it is exponentially more expensive than shipping a motorcycle there. The cost of a new motorcycle will usually be somewhere between five and ten thousand dollars. If you choose to buy a used motorcycle, it will still likely cost several thousand dollars. However, if you ship your motorcycle to Hawaii it will likely only cost you between one and two thousand dollars.
If you do choose to ship a motorcycle to Hawaii, you should know the process is pretty simple. First, your motorcycle will be picked up at your door wherever it is in the United States. After that, your bike will ship for between about ten days and three weeks, depending on where you are shipping it from. Finally, you will need to pick the bike up at the port on the island that you shipped it to but that is as simple as getting to the port during the appropriate hours of operation.
You will need to do a bit of preparation for your shipment but that is as easy as making sure that the motorcycle is clean, you remove any personal items or parts that could come off the bike during shipping and that you have only a quarter tank of gas. The reason the bike needs to be clean is that there will be a visual inspection for preexisting damage prior to shipping and if it is dirty, that will take much longer. Personal items will not be covered by the shipping insurance if they are lost or damaged thus the need to remove them. Finally, it is against fire code to have more than a quarter tank of gas before your bike ships.
Advice for your motorcycle shipment
As we have already mentioned, shipping your motorcycle is easy and simple. However, the more prepared and knowledgeable that you are prior to shipping your bike, the better off you will be. First, you should plan ahead. You do not want to give yourself less than a month of total time from your decision to ship until you need your bike in Hawaii. Remember, the actual shipment could take up to three weeks’ time.
Odds are that your bike is not your only method of getting around, but if it is, you should be prepared to be without it for a few weeks before it is picked up for shipping. Make use of ride-share apps and public transportation while you wait.
Finally, avoid the temptation of shipping your motorcycle by air. Doing so will be considerably quicker than shipping by a combination of land and sea but it will also be much more expensive. In general, shipping your motorcycle by air will be at least twice as expensive. So, if your shipment would have run about $1,500 normally, shipping the same motorcycle by air will cost at least $3,000.
Shipping a motorcycle to Hawaii is your only option for having a bike there other than buying a new or used motorcycle as you obviously cannot ride to Hawaii. When you do choose to ship your bike to Hawaii, the process is simple, you just need to prepare for the shipment correctly. If you are considering shipping a motorcycle to Hawaii, you can get a quote here.